Studies conference SPL 25

Size: At the suggestion of the Faculty Conference for Mathematics, the size of the Studies Committee for Mathematics was set by the responsible study program director at 20 members (10 teachers and 10 students).

Delegation/appointment of members: The students delegate their representatives according to HSG 2014, the lecturers are appointed by the representatives of the scientific university staff in the relevant faculty conference.

The Studies Conference is chaired by the Director of studies, who is a permanent member of the Studies Conference without voting rights. In addition, it is recommended that an advisory member from the group of persons concerned with administrative tasks related to the organization of studies be included.

Tasks: The Studies Conference is the advisory body of the Director of studies. Through the Studies Conferences, students are involved in the quality assurance of teaching and in the organization of studies and teaching, in addition to being represented in the Senate and in the Faculty Conferences.

The responsibilities of the Studies Conference include:

  • making recommendations and commentary on the planning of lecture requirements;
  • making recommendations and commentary on the proposal of the Director of studies to the dean regarding the lecture program;
  • advising on organizational matters regarding the study program;
  • making suggestions to the Director of studies for the improvement of study conditions.

Current members

Teaching staff:


  • Christoph Ableitinger
  • Andreas Cap
  • Ilse Fischer
  • Norbert Mauser
  • Gerald Teschl

Non-professorial teaching staff:

  • Vera Fischer
  • Markus Fulmek
  • Philipp Petersen
  • Roland Steinbauer

Substitute members:


  • Henk Bruin
  • Michael Kunzinger
  • Ulisse Stefanelli

Non-professorial teaching staff:

  • Sara Merino Aceituno
  • Sabine Hittmeir
  • Roland Zweimüller


  • Charlotte Ahrendts
  • Helena Auböck
  • Veronika Dembek
  • Darius Erös
  • Max Gschwandtner
  • Sebastian Gieger
  • Christopher Lieberum
  • Marie Naschberger
  • Alexander Posch
  • Rafael Roman

Students substitute:

  • Elian Bitri
  • Simone Czipin
  • Khashajar Hani
  • Lukas Hager
  • Lorenz Hübel
  • Anton Koloman Mosich
  • Tobias Müller
  • Markus Ohrenhofer
  • Katharina Weinzinger


  • Roland Donninger (SPL)
  • Johann Humenberger (Vize-SPL)
  • Martin Ehler (Vize-SPL)