
Welcome to the website of the StudiesServiceCenter (SSC) Mathematics. The SSC Mathematics is the central point of contact for questions concerning study organization and study law in the field of mathematics. 

On our web pages you will find information on these topics, as well as on the study programs in mathematics and the administrative procedures during your studies.

StudienServiceCenter (SSC)

The StudienServiceCenter is the first and main point of contact for students, dealing with all questions concerning legal, organisational, and administrative aspects of studies. 

Please note that out of concern for your privacy, we will not be able to give you any personal information over the phone, in particular for questions regarding your admission status and requests made on behalf of a third party.

According the data-privacy regulations of the University of Vienna (DSGVO, in German), the same is valid for e-mail requests if they are not sent from your u:account E-Mail-Adress.

Please be sure to always include your name, Student ID number, the study-program number (Studienkennzahl), and if your request concerns a particular course, the course number, group number, and semester to which your request refers.

Opening hours

Monday:10:00 a. m. - 12:00 noon
Tuesday:10:00 a. m. - 12:00 noon
Wednesday:with prior appointment
Thursday:1:00 p. m. - 3:00 p. m.
Friday:with prior appointment
Outside of opening hours, you can reach us by phone or e-mail during normal office hours.


In urgent cases, you can also make an appointment outside opening hours with us at any time!

Study Program Directorate (SPL)

The study program directors (Studienprogrammleiter, SPL) are responsible for all legal and administrative procedures regarding studies, supported by the StudienServiceCenter. Normally, the contact for students is the StudienServiceCenter; for transferring credits and special legal questions, the responsible study program director can assist students.

Studies Committee

The Studies Committee (SPL 25 for Bachelor's/Master's, SPL 51 for PhD) is the advisory body for the study program director. It consists of 20 members, half of which are nominated by the teaching staff, and half of which are nominated by student representatives.