Information on alternative methods of examination

Information on alternative methods of examination

Students with impairments have the right to alternative methods of examination (German: abweichende Prüfungsmethoden). The aim is to compensate for disadvantages caused by impairments. For general information on this topic, please visit the website of Team Barrierefrei:

The following recommended procedure applies to the exams and courses offered by our directorate of studies (SPL 25):

  • Consultation with Team Barrierefrei
  • Submission of the application form and consultation with the directorate of studies
    (during the office hours of the directorate of studies)
    • Optional: by e-mail, using your u:account address to

Concerning the medical/therapeutic evidence, we suggest that you use the University's form to confirm functional impairments relevant to studies (Bestätigung studienrelevanter Funktionsbeeinträchtigungen). The form is designed in a way that no medical terminology needs to be used. This makes it easier for us at the directorate of studies to process your application. For general information on types of evidence, please click here: (in German)

If available, you can voluntarily send us documents from your time at school or other higher education institutions/degree programs, which describe adaptations or assistive technology used for you. These can help us to process your application for alternative methods of examination.

Schedule enough time for us to process the application and for the lecturer(s)/examiner(s) to prepare the alternative methods. To help facilitate this, please submit your application as soon as possible.

Please note: Other administrative regulations might apply to courses/exams offered by other directorates of studies (additional degree programs, extension curricula, teacher-education subjects, etc.). Please check the respective websites for information.