Formal criteria

New! — Semester limit:

Transferring credits for examinations, other academic achievements, activities, and qualifications completed BEFORE admission to the relevant study program must be requested no later than the end of the second semester of that study program.

  • The date of initial admission is relevant.
  • Interruption of the study program suspends the deadline. Upon re-admission, the time limit continues where it left off.
  • In the case of changing to another study program or converting to a new version of a curriculum, the two-semester deadline starts anew.
  • Achievements completed during a study program (in parallel) can be transferred until the end of that study program.

Special case — Admission on March 1, 2022 or during SS 2022:

The transferring credits for examinations, other study achievements, activities, and qualifications already completed BEFORE admission can be requested until the end of the second semester at the latest, i.e. until February 28, 2023 at the latest.

New! — Maximal transfer:

The transferring of credits from

              1) academic achievements of BHS and AHS as well as

              2) vocational or non-vocational qualifications

is limited to a maximum of 60 ECTS each, and together a total of 90 ECTS.

Existing formal criteria:

  • Admission => only regular students and students of university courses are allowed to request transfers of credits
  • "Examination tourism" => the simultaneous admission to the same study program at more than one university or school of pedagogy in Austria is not allowed, according to § 63 Abs. 8 und 9 UG. Requests regarding achievements made while violating this will be rejected.
  • Successful completion of the achievement => unsuccessful attempts cannot be recognized.
  • The transferring of credits for achievements of extraordinary students can only be requested
    • if they were within the framework of university study programs
    • before the completion of the matriculation/study-qualification examination
    • before the admission examination for the proof of athletic aptitude or
    • before the completion of the aptitude test for the teacher-training program.